Cisco ASA Commands
This is a quick reference on performing certain command steps on the Cisco ASA X series that I use at home and work
Variable Names
I use the following variable names in my examples:
- capName
- Capture name as a text string
- fileName
- A file name on the flash file system
- iFaceName
- Interface name such as inside, outside, management
- ip4Addr
- IPv4 address
- ip6Addr
- IPv6 address
- net4Mask
- IPv4 netmask
- net6Mask
- IPv6 netmask
Packet Capture for IPv4 Traffic
- Setup the capture
- capture capName interface iFaceName match ip ip4Addr net4Mask any
- Display the capture
- show capture capName
- Save the detail capture to a file in ASCII format
- show capture capName detail | redirect fileName
- Save the capture to a file in PCAP format
- copy /pcap capture:capName fileName
- Stop and delete the capture
- no capture capName
- Clear the capture buffer
- clear capture capName
- Clear all capture buffers
- clear capture /all